besiege,vicinity,emancipate,guerrilla,bombard,withdraw,to surround a place with troops in order to capture
bewilder,taunt,tease,solve,challenge,bewitch,to make confused; to puzzle
bewitch,bewilder,confuse,bother,puzzle,possess,to use magic on; put a spell on
bicker,debate,testimony,testify,guerrilla,battle,to have a small quarrel over an unimportant matter
bicycle,tricycle,automobile,unicycle,chariot,wagon,a vehicle that has two wheels, one behind the other. It is moved by foot pedals and steered by a handlebar
blunder,prejudice,impartial,deceive,illusion,forfeit,a foolish or stupid mistake
bore,boar,winch,rig,shaft,derrick,to make by digging or drilling
bribe,cost,gift,present,tax,tribute,a thing that is given or promised in order to get a person to do what that person does not want to do
brutal,tolerance,endurance,sympathetic,anger,anxious,cruel and without feeling; savage
calculate,calculator,abacus,compute,data,subtract,to find out by using arithmetic; compute
chimney,ceiling,fire,tube,brick,wall,a pipe or shaft going up above a roof to carry off smoke from a furnace, fireplace, or stove
circulate,random,haphazard,chance,aimless,purpose,to move in a regular course and return to the same point
cleaver,club,penknife,shovel,trowel,lathe,a heavy cutting tool with a broad blade, used by butchers
coal,oil,gold,sand,stone,fossil,a black, solid substance that is dug up from the ground. It is used as a fuel
collision,divert,separate,detach,radiate,momentum,the act of coming together with force; a crash
compel,predict,elect,voluntary,option,able,to make do something; to force
competitor,associate,partner,race,meddle,ally,a person or group that competes
condemn,tease,taunt,testify,boycott,shun,to disapprove of or criticize strongly; call wrong or bad
conduct,conquest,role,sober,responsible,accomplish,the way a person acts or behaves
confide,advice,faith,persuasion,convince,sorrow,to share a secret or personal information with someone
conscious,ignorant,oblivious,careless,conscience,reckless,aware of one's own feelings or of things in the surrounding area
conspire,illegal,random,haphazard,chance,aimless,to plan together secretly to do something bad or unlawful
contradict,agreement,plot,accord,correspond,cooperate,to say the opposite of
core,peel,pare,skin,pulp,meat,the hard center of an apple, pear, and some other fruits
counterfeit,genuine,reflection,mock,mimic,impersonate,made in imitation of the real thing in order to fool or cheat people
country,continent,hemisphere,region,world,globe,an area of land in which a group of people live together under the same government; nation
currency,sell,store,metal,penny,auction,the money that is used in a country
cymbal,symbol,drum,bell,triangle,tambourine,one of a pair of brass plates that are used in orchestras and bands
darn,bore,thread,garment,sow,needle,to mend by sewing stitches back and forth across a hole or tear in
data,amount,quality,quantity,computer,study,facts and figures from which something can be learned; information
deadline,belated,postpone,frequent,delay,untimely,the latest time by which something must be done or finished
deceit,counterfeit,impersonate,bribe,conspire,illegal,the act or practice of lying or cheating
deceive,mock,mimic,impersonate,conspire,counterfeit,to make someone believe what is not true; fool or trick; mislead
decent,descent,rude,insolent,coarse,vulgar,proper and fitting; suitable
decrease,increase,remove,isolate,divert,separate,to make or become less or smaller
deficiency,vital,vitamin,sufficient,efficient,utter,a lack in the amount that is needed or expected; shortage
delay,deadline,frequent,untimely,interval,belated,to put off to a later time; postpone
demolish,construct,perform,accomplish,derrick,manufacture,to tear down; to smash
desperate,dejected,discourage,disregard,discard,prudent,reckless or careless because one has lost hope
dignity,tributary,absurd,blunder,impartial,deceive,the quality of being worthy of honor or respect
discard,waste,produce,accumulate,utilize,retain,to throw away or get rid of something that is no longer wanted
discipline,conduct,moral,role,perform,function,training that teaches one to obey rules and control one's behavior
discourage,desperate,dejected,disregard,balk,prudent,to try to prevent by disapproving or interfering
disregard,discourage,deceive,focus,observe,absorb,to pay no attention to; ignore
disrupt,associate,agreeable,indulge,partner,ally,to disturb or interrupt the orderly progress of
distress,counterfeit,confide,taunt,persuade,convince,to cause pain, sorrow, or worry to; to trouble
distribute,segment,section,collect,gather,detach,to give out in portions; deal out
dramatize,script,movie,actor,director,television,to make into a drama or play
ebony,ivory,pulp,bark,trunk,palm,the hard, very dark wood of certain trees of warm regions
eclipse,moon,sun,earth,sunset,revolution,a partial or complete darkening or hiding of a heavenly body by another
eliminate,include,comprehensive,encompass,exhaust,waste,to get rid of; take out or leave out
emancipate,severe,gentle,kind,illegal,law,to set free from slavery or from strict control
embassy,factory,derrick,palace,school,hospital,the building where an ambassador lives and works
embed,stamp,emboss,collide,darn,engrave,to set firmly in something
emboss,embed,stamp,engrave,lathe,darn,to decorate with patterns that stand out from the surface
eminent,anonymous,commonplace,trite,notorious,stately,standing above most others in rank or fame; very famous
encounter,foresight,plan,scheme,haphazard,aimless,to meet by chance or unexpectedly
engine,power,factory,car,force,motion,a machine that uses energy of some kind to make something run or move
establish,demolish,perform,quest,belated,postpone,to begin or start; found; create
estimate,accurate,precise,remote,falter,bribe,to make a general but careful guess about size, quality, value, or cost of
eternal,sudden,abrupt,instant,immediate,definite,lasting forever; without a beginning or end
even,mirror,glass,rough,surface,odd,flat, level, or smooth
excellence,conceited,flattery,grand,dignity,aloof,the fact of being better or greater
exile,shun,aloof,native,citizen,boycott,to force a person to leave his or her own country and live somewhere else; banish
expand,shrink,contract,flexible,elastic,dense,to make or grow bigger or wider
falter,gait,gallop,pace,hike,canter,to move in a shaky or unsteady way
ferocious,tolerance,endurance,sympathetic,anger,anxious,fierce; savage
fickle,steadfast,reliable,assurance,decisive,permanent,changing often in feelings or interests
fillet,hamburger,spareribs,tuna,chop,roast,a piece of fish or meat without bones
flexible,brittle,rubber,yield,curve,wax,capable of being bent easily without breaking
flounder,gallop,gait,canter,migrate,balk,to move in a clumsy way
flour,flower,mill,bread,cake,fluorine,a fine powder that is made by grinding wheat or other grain
flower,root,bark,leaf,branch,flour,the part of a plant that bears the seeds and usually has brightly colored petals; a blossom or bloom
foresight,shortsighted,nearsighted,farsighted,visual,scheme,the ability to look ahead and plan for the future
forfeit,blunder,deceive,deceit,cheat,counterfeit,to have to give up or lose something because of a mistake or a failure to do something
fowl,foul,meat,fillet,baste,broth,a chicken, turkey, duck, or other large bird that is raised for food
fragile,vigorous,robust,hearty,sore,injury,easily broken or damaged; delicate
frequent,untimely,delay,interval,belated,exceptional,happening often or time after time
fruit,vegetable,bark,branch,root,leaf,the part of a flowering plant that contains the seeds
gallery,galley,station,auction,office,embassy,a room, building, or other place for showing or selling works of art
garment,rag,cloth,sew,darn,baste,a piece of clothing
gong,siren,chime,bell,triangle,tambourine,a big metal disk that gives a loud, booming sound when struck
gossip,fact,opinion,advice,confide,persuade,small talk about someone, often about things heard from others but not known to be facts; idle talk; rumors
gratify,dejected,discourage,discontent,great,sympathy,to cause to feel pleased or satisfied
gratitude,gratify,satisfy,thankless,praise,eminent,a feeling of being grateful for some gift, favor, or kindness; appreciation
grief,smear,twist,bliss,righteous,compassion,deep and painful sorrow
groan,grown,cry,sob,whimper,protest,to make a deep sound showing sorrow, pain, annoyance, or disapproval
haul,hall,push,boat,race,life,to move by pulling; drag or tug
haven,hazardous,peril,jungle,forest,desert,a place where a person can be safe
hazardous,protection,haven,escape,secure,health,danger or something that is dangerous; risk
heal,heel,medicine,physician,hospital,illness,to come or bring back to good health or sound condition; to cure or mend
herd,heard,ranch,farm,corral,savanna,a number of cattle or other large animals that live and feed together
heritage,relic,custom,generation,belief,homeland,something that is handed down from one's ancestors or from the past
hesitate,haste,assurance,steadfast,reliable,decisive,to stop or wait for a moment because one is not sure
hideous,pleasant,elegant,stately,magnificent,mishap,horrible to see, hear, or think about; very ugly or disgusting
hinder,facility,accommodate,ally,encourage,oblige,to hold back; get in the way of
hoarse,horse,dog,placid,tranquil,turbulent,sounding rough and husky
homage,taunt,tease,balk,condemn,shun,anything done to show honor or respect
honey,wax,hive,maple,sugar,pollen,a thick, sweet syrup that bees make from the nectar of flowers and store in honeycombs
honorable,disgraceful,celebration,notorious,pitiful,pathetic,worthy of being honored or respected
humid,parch,wither,shrivel,sponge,smear,full of water vapor; damp or moist
humiliate,praise,flattery,conceited,shun,respect,to take away the pride or dignity of; cause to feel ashamed
hypocrite,moral,sincere,loyal,steadfast,genuine,a person who pretends to be good, religious, kind, honest, or loyal without really being so
hysteria,fun,blunder,absurd,panic,reserved,a wild fit of laughing or crying that gets out of control
ignite,smolder,ember,ash,extinguish,chimney,to set fire to; make burn
ignorance,absurd,aware,familiar,conscious,comprehension,lack of knowledge or education
illegal,deceit,mislead,strict,prison,trial,not legal; against the law or rules
illusion,guess,opinion,judgment,folly,advice,a false idea or mistaken belief
important,insignificant,trivial,stately,trifle,trite,having much meaning or value
improbable,random,expect,chance,haphazard,aimless,not probable; not likely to happen or be true
inclination,repulsive,dislike,loathe,collision,opposition,a natural liking for or leaning toward something; tendency
inedible,indelible,devour,consume,ravenous,diet,not good or safe to eat
ineligible,provision,condition,modify,accept,limit,not able to be chosen for something according to the rules; not qualified
infinite,sudden,abrupt,instant,immediate,definite,having no limits; without beginning or end
insolent,honor,reverence,esteem,regard,worship,not having or showing the proper respect; rude
intercept,indulge,ally,accommodate,encourage,oblige,to stop or take hold of on the way; cut off
interval,generation,era,frequency,eternal,infinite,space or time between things
intrigue,indifferent,neutral,frigid,careless,vain,to stir up the interest of; make curious; fascinate
irrational,rational,sane,sound,logical,sensible,not making sense; absurd
isolate,intrigue,fascinate,attention,absorb,deficiency,to set apart from others
jubilant,downcast,sorrowful,grief,distress,pain,joyful and proud; glad
knead,need,stir,mix,blend,whip,to press and squeeze over and over until ready for use
knight,night,squire,king,queen,dragon,a man in the Middle Ages who was given a military rank of honor after training
legible,illegible,illegal,inedible,legal,indelible,clear enough to be read easily
legitimate,illegal,worthless,criminal,trial,prohibit,according to or allowed by law; lawful
liable,exception,acquit,irresponsible,innocent,reckless,obliged by law to pay; responsible
linger,leave,desert,vacate,abandon,depart,to keep on staying
loathe,inclination,talent,fancy,adore,honor,to feel hate or disgust for
lodge,embassy,dwell,reside,adobe,apartment,a small house or cabin that is used for some special purpose
loiter,leave,desert,vacate,abandon,depart,to spend time in an idle way; linger
luscious,vulgar,obnoxious,repulsive,disgust,dessert,having a delicious taste or smell; full of flavor
magnificence,blemish,homely,grim,loathe,hideous,great and impressive beauty; splendor
mandate,law,proclamation,bill,amendment,veto,the will of the people as made known to their representatives in government through votes cast in an election
mane,main,tail,fur,coat,scalp,the long hair growing along or around the neck of a horse, male lion, or certain other animals
manual,fingers,digit,craft,art,create,made, done, or worked with the hands
messenger,cavalry,errand,runner,letter,mail,a person who carries a message or is sent on an errand
metropolitan,neighborhood,society,commonwealth,citizen,resident,of or having to do with a large city, its suburbs, and other surrounding communities
migrate,shun,aloof,native,citizen,boycott,to move from one country to another
minor,stately,homely,magnificent,immense,quantity,lesser in size, importance, or amount
reluctant,associate,agreeable,indulge,interfere,meddle,not wanting to do something; unwilling
renovate,demolish,rebel,balk,devastate,overthrow,to make new or make like new; restore
repulsive,relish,inclination,benefit,meddle,interfere,causing strong dislike or disgust; disgusting
resolve,whim,fickle,hesitate,postpone,questionable,to decide; make up one's mind
revise,demolish,recent,era,pore,memorize,to read with care and make needed changes in order to make better or bring up to date
rote,understanding,thought,wrote,random,route,a fixed or set way of doing something; routine
rouse,quiver,slumber,trance,hypnotize,placid,to wake; come or bring out of sleep
ruthless,sympathy,righteous,grief,compassion,gratify,without pity or kindness; cruel
safeguard,exposure,ravenous,gratitude,siege,assault,something that protects; protection
sale,bribe,money,store,counterfeit,coupon,the act of selling something for money
salvage,savage,accumulate,utilize,retain,discard,material or goods saved from damage, destruction, or going to waste
salve,solve,oil,wax,prescription,solution,a greasy medicine put on wounds, burns, or sores to soothe or heal them
scene,seen,event,character,occurrence,act,a place where something has happened
secure,turbulent,anxious,gratitude,distress,turmoil,free from fear, care, or worry
serial,cereal,sequence,number,account,random,having to do with a series, or in a series
severe,sympathy,righteous,grief,compassion,gratify,strict or harsh; stern; not gentle or kind
sheath,lathe,trowel,bushel,shaft,bore,a case for the blade of a knife or a sword or similar weapon
similar,identical,familiar,contrary,contradict,opposite,almost but not exactly the same; alike
simplify,complicate,muddle,meddle,interfere,obscure,to make something easier or simpler
site,cite,sight,realm,neighborhood,commonwealth,a piece of land to be used for a special purpose
sleigh,ski,bicycle,snowdrift,wagon,cart,a carriage with runners instead of wheels. It is used to travel over snow or ice
smolder,ignite,kindle,ash,extinguish,chimney,to burn and smoke without a flame
solution,rote,complicate,obscure,meddle,deduct,the act or process of solving a problem
sprig,sepal,trunk,stick,bat,lathe,a little branch with leaves or flowers on it
starch,flour,wood,bark,root,pulp,a white substance that is found in potatoes, grains, and many other vegetables
stately,eminent,famous,commonplace,trite,minute,grand or having great dignity in appearance or manner
station,base,foundation,deck,platform,pedestal,a place where a person or thing stands or is supposed to stand
strategy,random,luck,fortune,battle,technique,the science of planning and directing military movements and operations
strict,rude,carefree,anxious,serene,insolent,keeping to rules in a careful, exact way
suite,sweet,suit,hotel,office,building,a group of connected rooms that are used together
sum,some,subtract,quotient,difference,product,a result or total gotten by adding things together
superlative,anonymous,commonplace,trite,notorious,famous,of the highest sort; being the very best
supplement,segment,section,portion,whole,intact,something added to complete another thing or to make up for what was missing
supreme,anonymous,commonplace,trite,inferior,famous,highest in power, rank, quality, degree, or authority
surplus,surpass,gratify,sufficient,lack,deficiency,an amount more than what is needed; that which is left over; excess
suspense,secure,content,satisfy,carefree,serene,the condition of not being certain or at ease
symbol,cymbal,concept,language,alphabet,volume,an object, mark, or sign that stands for something else such as another object, or for an idea or quality
sympathize,advise,faith,persuade,convince,grief,to share the feelings or ideas of another; feel or show sympathy
tale,tail,journalism,news,imagination,dream,a story about things that are made up or imagined
tariff,trade,bribe,gift,tribute,cost,a tax that is placed on goods that are brought into one country from another or, sometimes, on goods that are sent out of a country
technique,random,luck,fortune,legal,progress,a way of using tools, instruments, or materials and following rules in doing something artistic or carrying out a scientific experiment
tempo,metronome,note,rest,meter,measure,the rate of speed for playing a certain piece of music
torrent,trickle,tributary,bog,swamp,drought,a swift, rushing stream of water
toxic,vital,vitamin,vigorous,nutritious,antiseptic,having to do with or caused by a poison
tradition,relic,ancestors,convention,belief,homeland,the handing down of customs and beliefs from generation to generation
tranquil,turbulent,turmoil,noisy,ripple,loud,calm or peaceful
tributary,trickle,torrent,bog,swamp,whirlpool,a stream or river that flows into a larger one
trophy,victorious,game,triumph,souvenir,lose,something that is kept as a reminder of some victory or success, such as a silver cup from a sports contest
trowel,hammer,saw,brush,lathe,razor,a tool with a flat blade for making plaster smooth or for spreading mortar on bricks
truce,treaty,battle,soldier,plot,neutral,a stop in war or fighting for a time, when both sides agree to stop fighting
tundra,forest,jungle,continent,hemisphere,country,a large, flat plain without trees in the arctic regions
turbulent,happy,placid,blissful,rapid,tranquil,very excited or upset; wild or unruly
turret,torrent,moat,fortress,drawbridge,balcony,a small tower that sticks out from the walls of a building, usually at a corner
typhoon,sprinkle,typhoid,blizzard,flood,rain,any violent tropical cyclone that starts in the western Pacific
ultimate,remain,decisive,definite,primary,preliminary,final; last
unanimous,contrary,rebel,opposition,converse,contradiction,showing complete agreement; with no one opposed
unique,same,common,unity,standard,lonely,being the only one; having nothing like it
universal,distinct,unique,solitary,isolate,shun,of, for, or by all people; concerning everyone
unruly,reserved,discipline,conduct,role,perform,hard to control or keep in order
untimely,postpone,belated,deadline,frequent,delay,coming too soon
uphold,besiege,withhold,competitor,meddle,rebel,to agree with and support against attack by others
urn,pillar,column,bowl,vessel,base,a vase with a foot or pedestal
utility,television,discard,utilize,municipal,metropolitan,a company that provides water, gas, electricity, or telephone service to the public
utilize,ignore,utility,enjoy,resort,force,to put to use; make use of
utter,segment,fulfill,satisfy,enough,udder,complete; total
uvula,teeth,gum,tongue,throat,esophagus,the small, soft piece of flesh that hangs down at the rear of the mouth
vacate,discard,loiter,accumulate,retain,exhaust,to make a place empty; to leave
vain,vein,eminent,humiliate,praise,dignity,having too high an opinion of oneself; conceited
valiant,coward,fear,strong,invulnerable,fortress,full of courage; brave
vegetable,branch,sprig,sepal,root,stalk,a plant, or part of a plant, that is used as food
vehicle,boat,wheel,engine,motor,steer,something used for carrying persons or things over land or in space
vengeance,principle,conduct,moral,temperate,moderate,the act of getting even for a wrong or injury; punishment in return for harm done; revenge
version,tale,fable,news,diagnosis,yarn,a report or description from one person's point of view
versus,for,together,ally,partner,associate,in a contest against
veteran,army,navy,marine,colonel,sailor,a person who has served in the armed forces
vicinity,metropolitan,commonwealth,municipal,aloof,homeland,a nearby or surrounding area; neighborhood
victorious,lose,vicious,award,trophy,medal,having won a victory
vigorous,vital,vitamin,urgent,muscle,important,full of vigor; living or growing with full strength
vile,thief,sin,crime,guilt,villain,very evil or wicked
villain,vanilla,hero,crook,thief,sin,an evil or wicked person
violate,oath,pledge,vow,testimony,reliable,to break or fail to keep a law, rule, or promise
violent,strong,pain,impair,compulsion,compassion,showing or acting with great force that causes damage or injury
vital,important,urgent,significant,sick,toxic,necessary to life
vocabulary,sentence,book,dictionary,letter,paper,all the words of a language
volcano,lava,mountain,hill,surface,meteor,an opening in the earth's surface that forms when melted rock from deep inside the earth is thrown up
vouch,deny,contradict,lapse,falter,hesitate,to give a guarantee
vow,violate,deny,fickle,contradiction,falsehood,a serious promise or pledge
vulgar,ugly,awkward,clumsy,insecure,conceited,showing bad taste or bad manners; crude; coarse
wagon,car,bus,truck,train,boat,a vehicle with four wheels that is pulled by a horse or horses and is used to carry heavy loads
warrant,law,legal,bill,mandate,veto,an official paper that gives the legal power to do something
waste,money,utilize,employ,accumulate,produce,to use up or spend without real need or purpose; make bad use of
water,air,sky,nitrogen,helium,soda,a liquid that has no color and is made up of hydrogen and oxygen
waver,steadfast,ignorance,question,confidence,reliable,to show doubt or be uncertain
whim,steadfast,reliable,decisive,assurance,permanent,a sudden thought or wish to do something, without any particular reason
wring,ring,spin,twirl,swirl,pull,to squeeze and twist with force
yearn,yarn,vital,gratify,satisfy,content,to be filled with longing or desire
yolk,yoke,shell,white,center,chicken,the yellow part of the egg
zeal,indifference,trivial,trifle,insignificant,yearn,a strong, eager feeling; great enthusiasm